A recent installment of the Cryptocurrency Fund Workshop Series presented by the Capital Fund Law Group offered a capital-raising primer for funds that seek to invest in cryptocurrencies and cryptocurrency-related strategies. The program, which covered both legal and business issues in setting up a cryptocurrency-focused fund, featured John S. Lore and Beth‑ann Roth, managing partner and partner, respectively, at Capital Fund Law Group, along with Alex Mascioli, CEO of North Street Global. This article summarizes their insights. For a look at the technology underlying cryptocurrency, see our three-part series on blockchain and the financial services industry: “Basics of the Technology and How the Financial Sector Is Currently Employing It” (Jun. 1, 2017); “Potential Uses by Private Funds and Service Providers” (Jun. 8, 2017); and “Potential Impediments to Its Eventual Adoption” (Jun. 15, 2017).