Credit Suisse Capital Services (CS) recently issued its Mid-Year Survey of Hedge Fund Investor Sentiment (Mid-Year Survey), an extension of its annual hedge fund industry sentiment survey. See “Credit Suisse Investor Survey Finds Steady Demand for Hedge Funds and Growing Demand for Less-Liquid Products” (Apr. 13, 2017). The Mid-Year Survey explores current investor interest in various fee structures, appetite for hedge fund investments, strategy preferences and interest in non-traditional hedge fund products. This article summarizes CS’ key findings. For coverage of previous CS investor surveys, see “Despite Significant Redemptions, Investors Remain Committed to Hedge Funds” (Aug. 4, 2016); “Growing Demand by Hedge Fund Investors for Managed Accounts, Long-Only Funds and Alternative Mutual Funds” (Apr. 7, 2016); and “Investor Appetite for Alternative Investment Vehicles and Strategy Preferences” (Aug. 27, 2015).