Data-gathering and analytics have become valuable tools for private fund managers when making their investment decisions. As technology outpaces the law in this area, however, managers must use caution when acquiring and using data. See “Best Practices for Private Fund Advisers to Manage the Risks of Big Data and Web Scraping” (Jun. 15, 2017). A recent presentation featuring Proskauer partners Robert G. Leonard, Jeffrey D. Neuburger, Joshua M. Newville and Jonathan E. Richman discussed the evolving methods of collecting data, the risks involved and the ways managers can use big data without running afoul of applicable law. This article summarizes the panelists’ insights. For more from Leonard, see “How Fund Managers Can Prevent or Remedy Improper Fee and Expense Allocations (Part Three of Three)” (Sep. 15, 2016); and “Swiss Hedge Fund Marketing Regulations, BEA Forms and Form ADV Updates: An Interview With Proskauer Partner Robert Leonard” (Mar. 5, 2015).