A decrease in bank lending to small- and middle-market companies has created opportunities for private fund managers that wish to engage in direct lending. A recent program presented by Dechert explored the current growth in direct lending, focusing on fund structures and strategies, tax implications and debt financing for direct lending funds. The program featured Dechert partners Matthew K. Kerfoot and Russel G. Perkins. This article summarizes the speakers’ key insights. See our three-part series on hedge fund direct lending: “Tax Considerations for Hedge Funds Pursuing Direct Lending Strategies” (Sep. 22, 2016); “Structures to Manage the U.S. Trade or Business Risk to Foreign Investors” (Sep. 29, 2016); and “Regulatory Considerations of Direct Lending and a Review of Fund Investment Terms” (Oct. 6, 2016). For additional insight from Kerfoot, see “Dechert Panel Discusses Recent Hedge Fund Fee and Liquidity Terms, the Growth of Direct Lending and Demands of Institutional Investors” (Jun. 14, 2016); and “Dechert Webinar Highlights Key Deal Points and Tactics in Negotiations Between Hedge Fund Managers and Futures Commission Merchants Regarding Cleared Derivative Agreements” (Apr. 18, 2013).