Among the many SEC rule proposals and finalizations that occurred in 2024, the SEC and CFTC jointly issued amendments (Amendments) to enhance private fund reporting on Form PF. Critically, the Amendments, which were published in the Federal Register on March 12, 2024, will take effect on March 12, 2025. Key changes effected by the Amendments include enhanced reporting by all advisers required to file Form PF; more granular reporting on hedge funds, including the exposures, positions and borrowings of large hedge funds; and disaggregated reporting on fund structures. This is the third round of amendments to Form PF in the last two years. The first article in our two-part coverage discusses the Amendments. The second article provides key takeaways and next steps for hedge fund managers. See our two-part series on the originally proposed amendments to Form PF: “Overview and Goals” (Sep. 15, 2022); and “Rationale, Commissioner Views and Need for Comments” (Sep. 22, 2022).