New Rothstein Kass Study Explains the “Consultative” Approach to Marketing to Single-Family Offices and the Importance of That Approach for Smaller Hedge Fund Managers

A recently published study by Rothstein Kass, Forbes Private Capital Group and Forbes Insights defined a single-family office; outlined the three attributes of single-family offices that make them attractive sources of capital for hedge funds, especially smaller hedge funds; emphasized the importance of the Executive Director; distinguished between two broad categories of single-family offices; highlighted the marketing mistakes frequently made by hedge fund managers in marketing to single-family offices; and outlined a viable and realistic strategy that hedge fund managers can use to market to single-family offices.  In general, with large investors increasingly allocating to large hedge fund managers, single-family offices are filling a capital void that is particularly important for start-up and smaller hedge fund managers.  See generally “Investments by Family Offices in Hedge Funds through Variable Insurance Policies: Tax-Advantaged Structures, Diversification and Investor Control Rules and Restructuring Strategies (Part Two of Two),” Hedge Fund Law Report, Vol. 4, No. 12 (Apr. 11, 2011).  This article summarizes the key findings of the study.

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